The smartest way for your molecular cloning procedure. Easily plan , document and Visualize your cloning procedures with Molecular cloning software – SnapGene.
Plan your Molecular Cloning
You’ll save time and money by improving accuracy while moving faster.
- Simulating standard cloning and PCR procedures with elegant, information-rich windows.
- Visual schematics make it easy to see how your construct will be put together.
- SnapGene keeps track of features like DNA methylation and phosphorylation, which helps you spot and avoid typical mistakes.
Visualize using SnapGene Molecular Cloning Software
Even inexperienced cloners will be able to complete difficult operations swiftly with exceptional visibility and control.
- Get an exceptional view of your DNA or protein sequence.
- Create and view plasmid maps with thousands of annotations, or scan huge DNA sequences with thousands of annotations.
- Confirm your cloning results with highly visual alignment of sequencing results to your simulated construct.
Document your molecular cloning procedures
Documenting simulated procedures automatically saves time and enables sharing and storing work easier, more efficient, and effective.
- Create a detailed graphical history of each sequence modification and cloning procedure automatically.
- Share constructs complete with historical details on how they were produced to improve cooperation and knowledge retention.
- Experiment with confidence thanks to comprehensive “undo” features that allow you to retrace your steps.
Molecular Cloning – Beyond Basics
SnapGene is the most popular molecular cloning software tool for a reason. It’s fast, smart and extremely user-friendly

- Inherent technology identifies and highlights design errors in cloning procedures to be corrected.
- Use your own primers to simulate standard PCR, or let SnapGene automatically design them for you.
- For all major molecular cloning approaches, specialised cloning tools ensure fast, accurate construct design.
- Restriction Cloning
- Gateway Cloning
- Gibson Assembly
- In-Fusion Cloning
- TA Cloning
- TOPP Cloning
- NEBuilder HiFi Assembly
Download SnapGene 5.3 , click SnapGene free trial to experience the smart cloning features